Location: One of The Five Boroughs, New York, United States

Monday, May 22, 2006

My Answer to [username] Who Hated Her Dad

In one of the online communities, I came across [username] and she posted:

i really really hate my dad coz he is really really horrible to us........
i hate u dad so much........................
why you can just leave us alone...................

Now I posted an answer to her thread, which was like below:

I've read the answers on this thread, and the question is why do young ones hate their dads so much?

In the Philippines because it is a "MACHO CULTURE" I have seen since I was a kid up to now that Dads tend to be controlling, or wanting to be in command of the family. He needs to feel that he is in charge and what he says goes. The rules by the Dad are like The Ten Commandments.

Unfortunately, when I was younger they did not have this preventive laws like they have on child abuse. I find that Philippine fathers tend to have a heavy set of hands. Sometimes too much. However, they don't hit their daughters as much as they do their sons. They beat the crap out of their sons until the son gets big enough and can tell his Dad "Enough is enough!"

As for Dads being strict on rules on their daughters it's because they are men and they think like boys and men. They know about hidden agendas and the like. Plus it's for the daughters own protection why they are very strict. I'm sure Dads don't want anything happening to their daughters and wants them to have a good life. A lot of students don't get to finish school and find life harder than if they have finished. This is not always true though. But a good dad always puts education as very important.

If you have a problem with your dad as long as it is not concerning about beatings...have a talk with your dad. I am sure you'll understand as he explains to you why he is so strict.

I mean would you rather have a Dad who has no concern over you. Let's you come home in the morning and does not even care if you are mugged or even experience something bad because your dad did not impose rules? That would be a jerk of a dad. And unfortunately, a lot of students don't get to finish school because they end up with a family, because the Dad wasn't strict enough.

But that is life.


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